Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
No.132 Price 1/8p - with LIFE AND WORK - 8d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY   July/August 1972.
Minister: Rev. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. Archibald Findlay, Langholm Lodge. Tel. 453.
Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm. Tel. 255.
Treasurer: Mr. Robert C. Craig, 5 Rosevale Place, Langholm
Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Church Officer: Mr. W. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.
Hall Caretaker: Mr. John Scott, 54 William Street.
Text for July/August "Thou hast made summer and winter." - Psalm 74. 17.
We can have no difficulty whatever in accepting the first part of our text, that God has made summer. Summer-time with blooming gardens, hedgerows and fields make us think of God and feel He is very near us. As one poet says, "With the kiss of the sun for pardon and the song of the bird for mirth, we are nearer God's heart in a garden than anywhere else on earth." Another poet says, "Not God in garden when the sky is blue? Nay but I have a sign, 'tis very sure He walks in mine." After a walk through the grounds of Tintern Abbey, Wordsworth wrote, "I have felt a presence that disturbs me with the joy of elevated thoughts; a sense sublime - of something far more deeply interfused. Whose dwelling is the light of setting suns, and the round ocean and the living air and the blue sky, and in the mind of man."
Yes, on a summer day when the sun shines from a blue sky we have little difficulty in believing in a gracious and loving God, but our text goes on to add winter to God's handiwork. "Thou hast made summer and winter." And it is difficult to believe that the hand of God played a part in creating winter frosts and biting winds. And yet in His wisdom God created both, this is what the Psalmist maintains, that God had a hand in creating winter as well as summer for some good purpose.
Without winter we could have no summer in the world of Nature.
Winter frosts and storms, snow and blizzards are needed in order that the earth may yield its increase.
In Egypt, apart from little plots of land irrigated by man, it needed storms and rains to make the Nile overflow its banks before there could be any hope of a harvest in the psalmist s day. The Arabs have a saying that "All sunshine makes Sahara," burnt up deserts such as we find in central Africa and the Middle East.
And of course we could never appreciate the glory of a summer day if we had not experienced the contrast of winter, just as you never appreciate good health until you are faced with prolonged illness. In the Shetland Islands there is hardly a tree to be seen, and those you find are mostly stumpy and dwarfed. In Shetland you will walk for miles to see an upright growing tree and you will stand before it in wonder. But not so in our Border countryside where trees grow in plenty and grandeur, we pass them by with rarely a second look. It takes winter to give us the spirit of appreciation.
Yes, and if it were all summer and no winter we would soon lose all moral stamina that enables us to battle with opposing forces. It has been said that it is the harsh climate of our hemisphere that makes our people active and alert and inventive and that countries with a tropical climate rarely cradle a strong progressive people. Without winter, I mean without the necessity of struggle, life loses its powers of resolution and high attainment. For example, in the early days of New Zealand's history there was no danger of any kind for man or beast in its primeval forests and yet it is known to be the home of more flightless birds than any other country in the world, including the Kiwi and the Penguin. These birds have wings but lost their use by neglecting flight, neglecting using them. Food was abundant and there was no danger, no necessity to fly and now they have lost the ability to fly. And so it would be for us if the whole of life was like a summer day, without troubles, sorrows and those blighting experiences we all dread. Life would become self-centered and a pointless existence without winter. As someone has put it, ' 'If there were no pain there would be no pity. If suffering and sorrow could be banished from a world like ours every form of sympathetic service would perish from among the sons of men and in the lotus laden atmosphere of selfish luxury, love itself would die."
Think with me for a few minutes of the glory of summer that follows winter: -
First: Summer is the goal of the year,
Summer is the end to which all toil has been directed, summer is the destiny of the year, the time of aims achieved and labour rewarded. Young people struggle to master various subjects in school and college, with summer in view. Summer gives purpose to toil. When Bonar Law was a boy in Glasgow he listened to a famous prime minister speaking, and he vowed he would one day occupy that man's place. And the prospect of one day becoming a Member of Parliament and of the Cabinet was the summer his life was directed to. This gave him inspiration to toil and the ladder which one day he was to scale. Without surnmer to look forward to young people never get verv far in life. Summer represents the goal of all hard work and effort.
Second: Summer speaks of joy and our right to happiness.
Summer reminds us that God intends us to be happy. The British people have a wonderful knack of being happy even in winter. In the worst days of the last war the sense of humour of our people was at its best, and one of the famous journalists wrote that in the war days humour was our best ally. But for those who can find little happiness in winter, summer comes to relieve the gloom. God made summer to give every child of His family the chance of happiness and if we fail in this business of happiness we commit a crime worthy of the severest penalties, as Robert Louis Stevenson went far to suggest in his well known lines:
If I have faltered more or less In my great task of happiness; If have moved among my race, And shown no glorious morning face; If beams from happy human eyes Have moved me not; if morning skies, Books, and my food, and summer rain Knocked on my sullen heart in vain Lord, Thy most pointed pleasure take And stab my spirit broad awake.
Thirdly and finally: What if summer fails or is cut short?
I can remember summers when the rains never stopped and the crops were ruined, and there was no reward for the labours of winter and springtime. And some people's lives are like that, they have not realised their plans for life, sometimes through no fault of their own. Others have fallen into affliction and have nothing to look forward to but growing weakness and pain. For many their best hopes were achieved but summer passed all too quickly, as summer does for all of us, especially as we get older. Thomas Arnold, the famous rugby schoolmaster had that experience. He toiled and hoped for many years for an opportunity for greater service than the public school offered him, and the summer of his life was on the very brink in when he was appointed Regius Professor of History in Oxford. He was 46 years of age. Seven months after delivering his inaugural lecture he died. The circumstances of his death make painful reading. It was the end of the term in Rugby and the five children had been sent to Fox How in the Lake District to await the coming of father and begin a long anticipated holiday together. It was actually on Daddy's birthday and he was to arrive that very day with mother. The children had made great preparations to welcome Daddy on his birthday and in his day of summer beginning, having realised his life ambition. But that day Daddy didn't come, instead came Arthur Stanley with bowed head and broken voice to tell them that Daddy would never come to Fox How again and on that very same day he took them home to Rugby to see their father's face in death. Summer had come and gone again all too soon and it is like that for more people than we ever know or hear about. And it is a good thing for us all to remember that summer at its best is a fleeting commodity, passes too quickly and for some never arrives at all. Which of course means that if we live only for earth's summer, only for worldly advancement without giving any place to God in our reckoning - there is the great danger we will have nothing left to hold on to if fails or is cut short.
Thou hast made summer and winter." Without winter there would be little reward in summer. Summer is the goal of the year, reminding young people of a goal they all need if they are going to make life a worthwhi!e thing. Summer speaks of our right to happiness and reminds us we should be happiness-makers for others. And of course, earth's summers, however grand do not last and as we get older we dread their passing all too quickly. But the faith we hold as Christian rnen and women makes us confident in the hope that earth does not exhaust all God's promises of summertime. To the dying thief on the Cross Jesus said, "Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." And the word paradise comes from the Persian, meaning a king's garden. St, Paul writes, "Eye hath not seen nor ear heard the things that God hath prepared for them that love Him." Let us remember this promise when we sing our summer hymn, "Summer suns are glowing over land and sea"; that summer suns will glow far grander when earth's summers are all past for us and with a grand confidence we can sing the last verse:
We will never doubt Thee, Though Thou veil Thy light; Life is dark without Thee; Death with Thee is bright. Light of light shine o'er us On our pilgrim way: Go Thou still before us, To the endless day.
Dear Fellow-Member,
Presbytery News
As write this letter on 28th June the Presbytery of Hawick, which meets in Langholm annually on the last Wednesday of June, will meet probably for the last meeting in Langholm. The reason being that the General Assembly last month approved a Petition by the Presbytery of Hawick and the Presbytery of Jedburgh and Kelso to be united to form the Presbytery of Jedburgh as from 5th July, 1972.
On Wednesday, 26th April the Presbytery of Hawick met in Trinity Church, Hawick, for the Induction of the Rev. E. P. Lindsay Thomson, M.A., to the charge of Trinity, Hawick, in succession to the Rev. Dennis Leadbetter.
On Friday, 2nd June, the Rev. Robert McConnell was admitted as minister of St, Margaret's and Wilton South, Hawick, in a linking with his present charge of Roberton. As Teviothead was formerly linked with Roberton, this linking was broken in favour of Teviothead becoming linked with Hawick Old, and accordingly the Rev. David L. Wright, B.D., was admitted minister of Teviothead on Sunday, 4th June.
Summer Outings
On Tuesday, 6th June the Eskdale Old People's Welfare Committee annual outing for senior citizens of the district took place, again to Silloth. Over 200 names were taken from people wishing to go on the outing, but owing to various circumstances the actual number attending was approximately 180. A good meal was enjoyed and a very happy afternoon was soent.
On Saturday, 24th June the Senior Sunday School annual outing took place to Whitley Bay and was a great success. The weather was warm and favourable, a good meal was enjoyed and we wish to congratulate Mr. John Scott and the teaching staff on making such successful arrangements. The Primary School are going on their outing to Newcastleton on Saturday 1st July, when we hope they will enjoy good weather and a very happy afternoon.
The Woman's Guild have arrangements for an outing to Abbotsford in September, and I will give details in the Magazine under Guild news.
Annual Sunday School Flower and Prize Giving Service
The Sunday School Flower and Prize Giving Service will be on Sunday, 9th July at 11 a.m. The children will enter the church with their gifts of flowers during the singing of the first hymn. The flowers will later be distributed to the sick, aged and to the Eventide Homes and Hospital,
Boys' Brigade Annual Camp
The 1st Langholm Company of the Boys' Brigade go to camp this year at Glencairn Estate, Maidens, Ayrshire. The lads leave Langholm on Saturday, 29th July and return on Saturday, 5th August. Parents and friends' visiting day will be Wednesday, 2nd August from 2.30 p.m. when the officers and lads will give a warm and hospitable welcome to all who can manage to visit them,
Young Wives' Fellowship
The Young Wives met on Tuesday, 20th June for their annual ramble and later the same evening held their annual business meeting. A new committee was elected as follows: president, Mrs. Sheila Henry; vice-president, Mrs. Margaret Hudson; secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Turk; treasurer, Mrs. Kathleen Beattie; tea convener, Mrs. Avril Rae; two committee members - Mrs. A. Jamieson and Mrs. Maura Ryan. The plan for next session is to hold two evening meetings per month and two afternoon meetings per month when members bring their children to play together.
Congregational Board
The Congregational Board met on 21st June when Mr. Robert Craig, Congregational Treasurer, gave a detailed report on the finances of the Church and was warmly thanked for his good work and ability. Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Clerk to the Board, reported on the urgency of organ overhaul at a cost between two and three thousand pounds. The members of the Board were all in full agreement that this work must be undertaken and our Old Parish Organ preserved for future years. It was agreed to set up a ways and means committee to consider finding and raising the necessary finance for this work.
Special Services
I wish to express gratitude to the Rev. Andrew Farms for offering to take my Services on Sunday, 25th - which he did with great acceptance. I was away for the preceding three days attending a funeral in Oxfordshire and this help was greatly appreciated. In July we have the Flower and Prize Giving Service on Sunday, 9th, As I am on holiday the following week, Rev. Andrew Farms will conduct the services on Sunday, 16th July. On Sunday, 23rd July we will have the Common Riding Service at 11 a.m., attended by Cornet Scott Haldane Morrison with his Right and Left-Hand Men, the Common Riding Committee, and the Provost and Members of the Town Council. There will be the usual wreath laying ceremony at the War Memorial at 10.30 a.m. The Evening Service on Sunday, 23rd will be attended by the members of the Lodge Eskdale Kilwinning. On Sunday 20th August the Evening Service will be lead by the Warwick Road, Carlisle, Presbyterian Church Choir.
Sympathy With The Bereaved
Mrs. Jessie Semple passed away in Stobhill Hospital on 21st June at the age of 72. Deepest sympathy with her son Tommy Martin and other relatives.
Mrs. Christina Snowdon passed away suddenly on 28th June at the age of 71. Deepest sympathy with her sons and daughter.
With warm greetings to all our people.
Yours sincerely,
TOM CALVERT, Minister.
Income for six months to 30th June.
F.W.O. 1972 516.89 1971 539.59
Ordinary 1972 256.45 1971 255.99
Annual 1972 76.80 1971 70.75
Donations 1972 376.50 1971 380.00
Covenants 1972 207.50 1971 212.50
Collecting Boxes 1972 69.00 1971 8.35
Total 1972 1434.83 1971 1467.18
Overall decrease, 32.35.
Note: Amounts collected for copies of Life & Work and Parish Magazine - 1972, 57.17 , 1971, 33.74.
The Guild outing to Abbotsford will take place on Saturday, 2nd September. Details of time of leaving, etc., will be given by pulpit intimation.
May 7 - Lynn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ian B. Stephen, Athole, 10 Lathallan Drive, Polmont.
June 11 - Graham, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ellwood, 1 Caroline Street.
June 10 - Brian James McCleary, Corriesmill, Gretna, to Sheila Vevers, 65 Townfoot.>/p>
June 21 - Mrs. Jessie Semple, 15 Scots Blair Avenue, Kirkintilloch. Age 72.
June 28 - Mrs. Christina Snowdon, St. Francis Home, Langholm. Age 71.
"I am the resurrection and the life," saith the Lord. "He that believeth in Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live. And whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die." St. John 11. 25.
July 9 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Sunday School Flower and Prize Giving Service. Rev Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Ella Calvert, 12 Charlotte Street.
July 16 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. Rev. Andrew Farms, B.D. Flowers, Mrs. Beverley, Caroline Street.
July 23 - Common Riding Sunday - United Services 10.30 a.m. Wreath laying on War Memorial by Cornet Morrison; 11 a.m. Common Riding Service attended by Cornet with Right and Left-Hand Men, Common Riding Committee and Provost and members of the Town Council; 6 p.m. Evening Service attended by members of Lodge Eskdale Kilwinning. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss P. Hotson, 2 Walter Street.
July 30 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Findlay, Langholm Lodge.
August 6 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Tommy Beattie, Academy Place.
August 13 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. W. Smith, 28 Caroline Street.
August 20 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. 6 p.m. Service of praise led by the choir and organist of Warwick Road Presbyterian Church, Carlisle. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Dalziel, 55 Townfoot.
September 3 - 9.30 a.m. Half-Hour Service. 11 a.m. Morning Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. A. Smith, 44 High Street.
Lord Clydesmuir, the Lord High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, in his address to the Assembly said, Courage will be required to face present day world-wide problems, economic and industrial forces, the spread of industrialisation and the dangers of environmental pollution. This courage" said Lord Clydesmuir, "was what the Church today had to establish and sustain among its people."
An interim report outlining a united Church for Scotland was approved by the Assembly during a lengthy discussion on inter-church relations. The report has been prepared by representatives of the Church of Scotland, Methodist, Congregational, Episcopal Churches, the Churches of Christ and the United Free Church of Scotland.
The Assembly in May, 1972 marked the end of the Church of Scotland's Huts and Canteens service which has operated throughout the world for 32 years to help the armed forces.
The General Assembly admitted two new churches to the Church of Scotland from the Channel Islands, one in Guernsey and the other in Jersey.
The General Assembly approved a motion that young people should have a voice and place in the courts of the church and should be given representation in all committees.
The General Assembly approved compulsory retirement of ministers at the age of 70.